With executive experience from high-tech companies within the power sector and valuable connections world-wide, Göran Johansson founded the company ‘Swedesim AB’ already in 1989 for consulting companies working within the power sector to enter new markets world-wide.
In 2003 Swedesim becomes the half-owner of the company ‘Miljömontage in Småland AB’ and Göran Johansson becomes its chairman. Miljömontage is working mainly with industrial waste and water treatment.
In 2007 Miljömontage starts developing a food collecting system, which, under the name ‘Miljökvarnen’, is installed at Hagsätra School in Stockholm and in Alvesta.
In 2010 Swedesim buys out all rights of Miljökvarnen from Miljömontage and starts a collaboration with Diskomat AB, which is a company planning and installing complete systems for dishwashing, cleaning and waste management (www.diskomat.se). Swedesim delivers the system to Diskomat which sells and installs the system under the name ‘ECO Waste Away’ (EWA).
In 2014 Swedesim and Diskomat sign a cooperation agreement in which the product owner rights of EWA are transferred to Diskomat, while Swedesim is given exclusive selling rights of EWA to certain markets and selling rights of EWA in the food processing industry world-wide.